My projects

Discover all the projects I have developed throughout my career

Image of project Arins

Platform designed for comprehensive inventory management, sales, and customer revenue handling, intended to cater to various businesses. Currently in production with active participation from 10 clients.

Image of project Kiwipeluditos

A web platform that allows users to register their pets and generate a QR code. When scanned, it provides the pet's location. Additionally, the platform facilitates the management of vaccines and illnesses for pets.

Image of project BD tgrado
BD tgrado

This platform aims to comprehensively manage students' thesis projects. It enables complete management, from the preliminary report to the final report, including assessments by reviewers and corresponding grades.

Image of project Backoffice Negozia CF
Backoffice Negozia CF

Main backoffice of Negozia CF, allowing configuration of the entire credit core, in addition to generating useful reports for the support and sales team.

Image of project Certificados web3
Certificados web3

This platform was specifically developed for AIEP University in Chile. It allows the creation of NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) for student certificates using the Ethereum network, utilizing Web3 technology.

Image of project Backends con arquitectura DDD
Backends con arquitectura DDD

Repository with backend projects using various languages and frameworks, employing hexagonal architecture and different database management systems.

Image of project Formularios de datos
Formularios de datos

Data ingestion form for managing inventory based on customer-specified metrics, allowing manual entry of information or importation through an Excel file.

Image of project Lector de cédula de ciudadanía colombiana
Lector de cédula de ciudadanía colombiana

Project that enables reading citizen ID information through computer vision, in addition to comparing fingerprint and facial recognition data of the individual.

Image of project Dashboard Negozia CF
Dashboard Negozia CF

Dashboard created for customers to view their current credit status, as well as enabling file downloads. Each Negozia CF partner can customize their visual layout.

Image of project La Ferre
La Ferre

Full-fledged e-commerce platform for the sale of hardware products, created for Sumatec hardware store.

Image of project STI irrigation
STI irrigation

IoT project for automatic irrigation of a crop. My role involved creating the web server and program for Raspberry Pi, as well as programming ESP32 devices.

Image of project Sintel

Digital circuit simulator that allows exporting the created circuit to VHDL and Verilog languages, in addition to viewing real-time values. It works for both Windows and Linux platforms.

Image of project Davinci

Complete platform for the management of all academic and disciplinary aspects of students, as well as the institution's inventory management.