Backoffice Negozia CF

July, 2021 - August, 2022

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Project: Negozia CF

Main backoffice of Negozia CF, allowing configuration of the entire credit core, in addition to generating useful reports for the support and sales team.

This project was conceived from the ground up, starting with the guidance of an existing backoffice. The frontend development was conducted using the atomic design methodology with Next.js, while the backend was structured through microservices and implemented with Kafka. The implementation of this platform has significantly optimized the operations of the company's credit core. It is now possible to easily adjust all variables, generate reports in PDF and Excel formats for all transactions, and visualize various types of performance graphs.

Stack logo Express js Express js
Stack logo React.js React.js
Stack logo Next.js Next.js
Stack logo Nest.js Nest.js
Stack logo MongoDB MongoDB
Stack logo AWS AWS