
January, 2022 - August, 2022

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Project: Emprendimiento personal

A web platform that allows users to register their pets and generate a QR code. When scanned, it provides the pet's location. Additionally, the platform facilitates the management of vaccines and illnesses for pets.

This platform was designed to offer collars equipped with QR codes containing complete information about the pet. When the code is scanned, a message is sent to the owner's email with the scan location. In addition to this functionality, the platform streamlines the management of vaccines, illnesses, and other pet-related data. It also sends annual reminders about necessary vaccinations to ensure the continuous health of the animal.

Stack logo Nest.js Nest.js
Stack logo Node.js Node.js
Stack logo React.js React.js
Stack logo Next.js Next.js
Stack logo PostgreSQL PostgreSQL
Stack logo Typescript Typescript