Negozia CF

July, 2021 - August, 2022

Fullstack developer

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I designed and developed an administrative platform using technologies such as React, Next.js, Express, and Nest.js. Creating this platform enabled more efficient and automated data management, along with reduced processing time for clients. I built a RESTful API that facilitated seamless and reliable communication between the front-end and back-end. To enhance performance, I implemented dynamic data loading techniques using Next.js. Additionally, I crafted an intuitive and user-friendly interface to enhance user productivity and reduce learning curve. I integrated multiple third-party systems, such as payment and email systems, to further automate data management processes. Finally, I conducted unit tests and end-to-end tests to ensure the platform’s quality and reliability, resulting in a significant reduction in errors and system failures.

Stack logo Nest.js Nest.js
Stack logo Express js Express js
Stack logo React.js React.js
Stack logo Next.js Next.js
Stack logo AWS AWS
Stack logo Python Python
Stack logo Flask Flask
Stack logo OpenCV OpenCV
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Image of project Backoffice Negozia CF
Backoffice Negozia CF

Main backoffice of Negozia CF, allowing configuration of the entire credit core, in addition to generating useful reports for the support and sales team.

Image of project Dashboard Negozia CF
Dashboard Negozia CF

Dashboard created for customers to view their current credit status, as well as enabling file downloads. Each Negozia CF partner can customize their visual layout.

Image of project Lector de cédula de ciudadanía colombiana
Lector de cédula de ciudadanía colombiana

Project that enables reading citizen ID information through computer vision, in addition to comparing fingerprint and facial recognition data of the individual.