
January, 2015 - Present

Fullstack developer

Image of company

Throughout my life, I have loved software development. I started at the age of 15, creating various platforms for the school I attended. I even built a complete system to manage all academic and disciplinary data for students, in addition to handling the institution’s inventory.

In college, I had the opportunity to work as an assistant for the thesis committee, where my main responsibility was developing a platform to manage all thesis projects. This platform allowed for tracking the preliminary project and the final report, as well as enabling the evaluation of the work.

I have been involved in IoT projects, programming embedded systems, data servers, and desktop applications on a Raspberry Pi.

Recently, I decided to undertake several backend projects using different languages, frameworks, and DDD architectures. This was done in order to establish a solid foundation for starting new projects.

Stack logo Nest.js Nest.js
Stack logo React.js React.js
Stack logo Next.js Next.js
Stack logo AWS AWS
Stack logo GCP GCP
Stack logo Python Python
Stack logo Flask Flask
Stack logo Django Django
Stack logo PostgreSQL PostgreSQL
Stack logo MySQL MySQL
Stack logo MongoDB MongoDB
Stack logo PHP PHP
Stack logo C C
Stack logo C++ C++


Image of project BD tgrado
BD tgrado

This platform aims to comprehensively manage students' thesis projects. It enables complete management, from the preliminary report to the final report, including assessments by reviewers and corresponding grades.

Image of project Kiwipeluditos

A web platform that allows users to register their pets and generate a QR code. When scanned, it provides the pet's location. Additionally, the platform facilitates the management of vaccines and illnesses for pets.

Image of project Davinci

Complete platform for the management of all academic and disciplinary aspects of students, as well as the institution's inventory management.

Image of project STI irrigation
STI irrigation

IoT project for automatic irrigation of a crop. My role involved creating the web server and program for Raspberry Pi, as well as programming ESP32 devices.

Image of project Sintel

Digital circuit simulator that allows exporting the created circuit to VHDL and Verilog languages, in addition to viewing real-time values. It works for both Windows and Linux platforms.