
August, 2022 - Present

Fullstack developer

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I designed and developed a data ingestion forms platform using React and Nest.js. This allowed stakeholders to input and manage large amounts of information efficiently and accurately. Additionally, I implemented integration with Azure DevOps services to ensure code quality and software delivery continuity. I created automated tests to guarantee code quality and system stability.

Kitchen Center:

I performed regular maintenance and updates on the sales and back office system using React, Nest.js, and Shopify GraphQL. This enhanced the system’s functionality and efficiency while significantly reducing downtime. I implemented new features and functionalities, collaborating with other developers and the technical support team to identify and resolve issues promptly. I carefully documented the maintenance and update process for the sales system, resulting in improved internal process efficiency, reduced system downtime, and enhanced technical support.

Stack logo Nest.js Nest.js
Stack logo Express js Express js
Stack logo Next.js Next.js
Stack logo React.js React.js
Stack logo MongoDB MongoDB
Stack logo Web3 Web3
Stack logo Ethereum Ethereum
Stack logo Azure Azure
Stack logo GCP GCP
Stack logo AWS AWS
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Carolina Bravo

Wilfer es un profesional que destaca por sus habilidades analíticas, capacidad de resolución de problemas, logrando trabajar en equipo, siempre orientado al logro de objetivos, proponiendo las mejores soluciones en cada uno de los proyectos donde ha participado.

Carolina Bravo - IT Talent Attraction Specialist


Image of project Certificados web3
Certificados web3

This platform was specifically developed for AIEP University in Chile. It allows the creation of NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) for student certificates using the Ethereum network, utilizing Web3 technology.

Image of project Formularios de datos
Formularios de datos

Data ingestion form for managing inventory based on customer-specified metrics, allowing manual entry of information or importation through an Excel file.